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Kate Spade now offers Home Delivery service at select specialty shops in Malaysia. It is a complimentary and fuss-free service that allows customers to shop Kate Spade products from the safety and comfort of their homes – extending its exceptional experience beyond its brick-and-mortar stores to launch . I'll go LIVE on my FB page with #KateSpade on coming Thursday night 8pm.. . Come shop with me ya . 这个周四,我将会和朋友一起到 @katespadeny Shopping..一起发掘他们的最新商品哦。。而且你也可以在他们 E Catalogue 购买,还可以直接送货到家。。 . 约定你周四晚上8点,在我的FB PAGE 一起live shopping 哦。。 http://online.anyflip.com/iydq/hnzn/mobile/index.html #LoveInSpades

Kate Spade now offers Home Delivery service at sel...